Wednesday, August 8, 2012

finally, it's printed!

hey, akhirnyaaaa bisa nulis lagi hehe baru dapet mood sih.
tapi ah yaudah sih kaya banyak aja yang nungguin tulisan di blog ini hehehe
sebenernya ada banyak yang lagi pengen ditulis.. jadi kayanya malem ini mau bikin beberapa posting yang berbeda hehehe

now let me start from the most important and the most membanggakan *halah* setelah sebulan penantian hihi
me, Setya Octaviani, proudly presents..


Look! There's my name on the editorial page! Below Refly and Cheppi.. below the pink word "Reporter" ohh just like a dream comes true! oh and that's the magazine cover.. cute, huh? i love it! 

Those are the articles i wrote for this edition. three articles on the top are Special Reports articles,  in the second line are Quicky (left) and Cover Story (right), the most exciting thing is, my layout of my writing was designed to be seen in 3D woohoo! and in the bottom are articles about indie band, Fraud. about an art community, Milisi Fotokopi. Awesome!

sooo, yes! that was my first edition wihihihi
sumpah norak banget pas terima majalahnya dateng ke kantor hahahaha
terus semua orang langsung dipamerin gitu wahahaha seru sih, i love my job! and i really really thank God for this amazing gift!
gotta keep learning to be better and better for the best result of it!

kalian juga harus gitu yaaa, find your interest and make the best of it!

otha  :)

"i always love my name to be printed on somewhere, but this one is my favourite" 


  1. wow. so you write for provoke?. i love your cute blog template ;)

  2. hi, yes i am :)
    thank you for the sweet complement :)
