Sunday, January 19, 2014

Langit Itu, Kamu..

"Masa sih langit bisa runtuh?"
"Bisa, kalo aku kehilangan kamu."
"Basi. Banget. Hahahaha"
"Basi-basi begini juga kamu sayang."

Percakapan favoritku.

"Kok senyum-senyum?"
"Kaya kalo nangis bisa langsung sembuh aja."

Aku hanya tersenyum dan setengah berharap ini hanya mimpi buruk. Siapapun, cubit aku.

"Ken, nanti kalo langit runtuh, kamu mau apa?"
"Mau cari kamu supaya langitnya utuh lagi."
"Konyol. Hahaha. Jawab yang serius dong."
"Mmmm.. Aku nggak tau, aku belum siap."

Tuhan, aku mohon..

"Kalo gitu, sekarang kamu harus siap. Makasih ya, Ken."

Flatline. Langitku runtuh.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

It's Strange, The Idea of Growing Up

Saya masih inget beberapa taun lalu di mata kuliah Speaking. Waktu itu kami sekelas diberi kertas-kertas kecil berisi tulisan topik-topik yang harus kami bahas di depan kelas dalam bentuk speech atau pidato. Bukan, bukan pidato politik kaya di tivi-tivi. Pidato yang santai-santai aja, yang penting skill ngomong Inggris nya udah cukup untuk sekedar dapat C dan lulus mata kuliah.

Waktu itu saya dapat topik “Growing Up is a State of Mind.” Menjadi dewasa adalah suatu tingkatan pemikiran.
Mau gak mau, saya setuju dengan topik itu. I was on my early 20s at that time. Have no idea what I’m going to do in my life, all I want to do is study and graduate. That’s it. Love life sucks at that time, I didn’t expect a fairy tale-like love story.

Walaupun nggak ngerti apa-apa, sebenernya saya cukup punya alasan untuk menyetujui hal tersebut. Ketika dewasa adalah sebuah tingkatan pemikiran, berarti mau gak mau, pasti kita akan sampai pada tingkatan itu. Seperti ada tingkatan yang wajib ditempuh untuk menuju sesuatu. Walaupun mungkin perkara waktu, kedewasaan seseorang akan berbeda dengan orang lain di suatu rentang waktu atau usia tertentu. Saat itu, saya percaya semua orang akan menjadi dewasa pada waktunya. Pasti.

Monday, January 13, 2014

You Know, That Feeling After An Awesome Gig...

"We've all been to great gigs, but the truly amazing shows change your point of view. 
You could argue the toss between stadium-sized orgasms and sweaty intimate club sessions, 
but in the end what really matters is how it could moved you."

I was watching SORE's live perform video in Sounds From The Corner's YouTube channel when I found those words in the description part. Written by Teguh Wicaksono, and I am totally agree with it.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Fast Food for Fast-Choice Lunch

I've just finished my lunch in fast food restaurant. Again.
I know, I know.. just please keep remind me regarding my previous post about this similar thing. But I didn't have choice.

I was sitting alone on the corner of my seat in a Japanese fast-food restaurant. Have just finished my lunch and saw some children entering this place bringing some balloons with the resto mascot on it with their happy faces. Kids love balloons.

Si bocah-bocah berwajah bahagia ini masih pake seragam sekolah, masih TK sepeertinya, digandeng ibunya masing-masing. Sepertinya baru saja pulang sekolah.

You know what crosses my mind?
I kinda miss my childhood when McD or KFC or fast food is a treat from parents. Dulu, pergi ke KFC atau McD adalah hadia traktiran dari ibu karena nilai matematika dapet 100, atau karena naik kelas, atau karena masuk 10 besar.
Dulu, ke KFC atau McD adalah hadiah liburan, semacam rekreasi tanpa harus pergi ke luar kota.
Dulu, pergi ke KFC atau McD adalah saat berpesta ngehabisin hasil angpao Lebaran. Dengan bahagia nya pilih Happy Meal dan beli es krim pake duit sendiri dengan recehan seribuan yang dikasih ke ibu sehingga beliau harus ngitungin lembar-lembar ribuan di depan mbak kasir.

Bukan pilihan terakhir untuk makan siang setelah anak pulang sekolah.
Bukan pilihan terakhir pas lunch break kantor.

I'm lucky to have my mom making sure I never forget to bring my linch she made.

Kalo dari kecil aja udah dibiasain lunch junk food sepulang sekolah, nanti pas gede, semoga mereka nggak jadi orang kaya saya yang selalu mengandalkan fast food kalo istirahat kantor.

Maybe I'll try to bring my own lunch just like what I did when I was in school.

Or maybe I'll learn cooking..

Later, my kids would have his mommy's sandwich or scrambled egg for their lunch.
Saya bakal sakit ati kalo anak-anak saya nanti makan siang nya dari perempuan lain, sebut saja Wendy's.

Selamat makan siang!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Same Shit, Different Year

I was sitting on the corner of McDonald when I wrote this. I have just finished my breakfast, no I mean, brunch..

So, it's the first Monday in 2014. You know, Monday is always the first of everything, right? The week-starter.
And I personally think that this 2014 has just oficially began in this Monday, eventhough it's 6 already.

Didn't have a lot of change in this holy week-starter, I still wake up late, driving in a rush, forgot to take my breakfast, and ended-up having brunch in a junkfood restaurant. Just like any other days I had on 2013.
Doesn't sound good, right?

I don't know, I think I need to end this bad habit. Like, I need to wake up earlier, have my breakfast properly, greet my boyfriend good morning, prepare things before I go to work and having class.
If I can wake up earlir, I must be have enough time to prepare things before I left home, and of course, I can drive safely.

Plan is just a plan without acting it out.
So, I don't know, I think I'm going to kick the "same shit" out and do better things.
Trying small new things are also a progress, right?

What does a big project achievement if you can't evn wake up early and stop eating junkfood for your breakfast?

What does a big project achievement mean if you just can't change your bad habit and keep living your shitty unhealthy boring life?

What does a new year mean without any better change for your life?

To live healthier and more organize!
To wake up early and have breakfast!
Mwah! xx

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Pushing Rewind

Mari kita pencet tombol rewind sebentar dan kembali ke 2013.
Agak telat sebenernya untuk postingan review akhir tahun, cuman yaa yaudahlah, baru sempet nulis sekarang karena sibuk mikirin proposal thesis dan ngurus KKN hihihi :p

dan lagian 2014 juga baru 2 hari ini kan :))

Baiklah, jadi selama 2013 saya udah mengalami banyak hal.
yang bagus dan yang jelek, yang oke dan nggak oke, kehilangan dan menemukan, dan lain-lain.