I was sitting on the corner of McDonald when I wrote this. I have just finished my breakfast, no I mean, brunch..
So, it's the first Monday in 2014. You know, Monday is always the first of everything, right? The week-starter.
And I personally think that this 2014 has just oficially began in this Monday, eventhough it's 6 already.
Didn't have a lot of change in this holy week-starter, I still wake up late, driving in a rush, forgot to take my breakfast, and ended-up having brunch in a junkfood restaurant. Just like any other days I had on 2013.
Doesn't sound good, right?
I don't know, I think I need to end this bad habit. Like, I need to wake up earlier, have my breakfast properly, greet my boyfriend good morning, prepare things before I go to work and having class.
If I can wake up earlir, I must be have enough time to prepare things before I left home, and of course, I can drive safely.
Plan is just a plan without acting it out.
So, I don't know, I think I'm going to kick the "same shit" out and do better things.
Trying small new things are also a progress, right?
What does a big project achievement if you can't evn wake up early and stop eating junkfood for your breakfast?
What does a big project achievement mean if you just can't change your bad habit and keep living your shitty unhealthy boring life?
What does a new year mean without any better change for your life?
To live healthier and more organize!
To wake up early and have breakfast!
Mwah! xx